iPollo Team Leaders Visit Electronics Manufacturers in Vietnam

iPollo Team Leaders Visit Electronics Manufacturers in Vietnam

From September 30th to October 1st, iPollo’s management team visited and investigated electronics manufacturers in Vietnam and had a closer conversation with them.

In recent years, Vietnam has gradually become a rising star in the global electronics manufacturing field, attracting a large number of outstanding enterprises to invest and establish production bases in Vietnam, such as Apple, Samsung Electronics, Intel, etc.

As a technology-oriented enterprise for the global market, it is vital for iPollo to guarantee the capacity of electronics manufacturing. In order to further optimize the layout of the production capacity around the world, continue to expand the capacity supply, provide high-quality production, and maintain the stability of the industrial supply chains, iPollo management team visited and investigated electronics manufacturers in Vietnam.

Several local company leaders introduced the basic situation, production layout and benefits of the company respectively, leading our team to visit the production workshop, demonstrate features of production process, and present the trial production of iPollo products. Afterwards, iPollo team had in-depth communication with the them and exchanged both ideas.

This trip to Vietnam has enabled iPollo team to gain an in-depth understanding of Vietnam's electronics manufacturing capability, and to make a better preparation for future plans to set up a production base in Southeast Asia. iPollo will strive to achieve the development goal of production globalization after promoting market globalization.

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